Community and partnerships

Without fundraising none of this life-changing work can take place. Your incredible support means we can transform lives across Asia and Africa. Together we can pave the way to the end of leprosy.

We would like to honour our faithful supporters who continue to give so generously. This is despite the cost-of-living crisis that has hit hard over the past year.

Thank you so much for being there for people affected by leprosy when they needed it the very most. Thank you for giving them hope at a time when things seemed hopeless. Your kindness made the world a brighter place in 2023 and we can never thank you enough.

Regular givers

We are so thankful for the commitment of our supporters who give each month by direct debit. The growth in this area meant we were able to meet urgent needs as soon as they arose. This included providing emergency aid for communities affected by leprosy in Niger. Your commitment fed starving families in the aftermath of the military coup in 2023.

Monthly giving also helps us plan our life-changing projects more effectively. We are so thankful to the faithful supporters who increased their monthly giving in 2023. Because of you we were able to overcome financial challenges caused by the cost-of-living crisis. Thank you for being an answer to prayer.

Churches and community groups

We are so grateful for the faithful support of churches throughout Great Britain.  You are the hands and feet of Jesus to communities affected by leprosy.  Your prayers are the foundation of all that we do together in His name.

Thank you for inviting us to give 601 talks in churches and communities groups during 2023. We are so grateful to congregations and attendees for giving £790,000 in response these talks. These gifts and your prayers were the catalyst to changed lives across 10 countries.


We’re passionate that children should understand more about leprosy. We want to raise a new generation of advocates for people affected by the disease.

In 2023 a special schools' package was launched which includes an interactive assembly. The resource pack also contains Key Stage One and Two lesson plans, online resources and fun ways to raise funds. Our team presented the resources to seven schools before the end of the year.

We are happy to report that our schools' work is fast gaining momentum. Leprosy Mission bugs, wristbands and keyrings are proving popular with our youngest supporters!


We are so touched when we hear of the many special events our supporters host to raise vital funds. We appreciate the many hours of hard work and all the love that has gone into preparing for these occasions.

From baking to washing up, thank you to everyone who has gone the extra mile for people affected by leprosy. Thank you too to those who have changed lives in Asia and Africa by completing a sponsored challenge. We so appreciate every training run in the rain and for the awareness you have raised of such a need in the world today. 

We would love to honour our Scottish supporters who run the area fundraising groups. For decades, these amazing volunteers have baked and served tasty treats. By doing so they have found and cured so many people of leprosy and transformed countless lives. On a wet and windy Saturday in October, the ladies in the Inverness group held a 'tea and treats' event in Crown Church. Visitors turned up in their droves for a cuppa and some tasty home baked treats. Our heartfelt thanks go to everyone who has been part of these special groups over the decades.

Left: Myra Gillion serves up tasty treats at Crown Church in Inverness. Myra has served on the committee of the Inverness area fundraising group for more than two decades!

Legacy events

Every year, Gifts in Wills fund one in three of our life-changing projects. It is amazing to consider that when someone pledges a gift in their Will, it bears fruit for generations to come. The love of these special individuals lives on in the lives of people affected by leprosy. 

In 2023 it was a privilege to host three legacy events. These took place at Canterbury Cathedral, Chester Zoo and the House of Lords. These memorable afternoon teas with BBC Songs of Praise presenter Pam Rhodes are increasingly popular each year.

They are also attended by a wonderful couple, Dan and Babs Izzett of Taunton, Somerset. The couple are originally from Zimbabwe and have both been treated for leprosy. Their experiences with leprosy represent both sides of the coin. While Dan has disabilities caused by the disease, Babs's leprosy was cured at an earlier stage. Thankfully, she was left with no lasting damage.

We are so grateful for all Dan and Babs do to raise awareness of leprosy. They have spoken of their experiences with the disease around the world and are loved by so many of our supporters.

Thank you to everyone who attended one of these special legacy events. We’re looking forward to enjoying afternoon tea with many more of you in years to come.

Right: BBC TV presenter and Vice-President of The Leprosy Mission Pam Rhodes enjoys time with supporters and Dan and Babs Izzett, who are both affected by leprosy, at the House of Lords in 2023.

Trusts and Foundations

We are so grateful for the faithful support of Trusts and Foundations who continue to partner with people affected by leprosy. We would like to thank the following organisations for their generosity in 2023:

Bairdwatson Charitable Trust
Fresh Leaf Charitable Trust
Janet and Bryan Moore Trust
St Francis Leprosy Guild
The Kirby Laing Foundation
The Paterson Logan Charitable Trust
The St Lazarus Charitable Trust
Z V M Rangoonwala Foundation