Meet Abdul

Abdul has lived with the burden of leprosy for a long time. He first spotted the symptoms in his teens. When his community noticed, they turned on him.

“They abused me and my family,” Abdul tells us. The pain in his voice is clear. “They told me: ‘we will send you out of the village. You can't be here’.”

At just 17 years old, Abdul made the heart-breaking decision to leave his home and his family behind. He didn’t want them to suffer the same rejection he had.

Abdul walked 100km to reach Muzaffarpur Hospital. Like so many others before him, he joined the queue to be seen in the sweltering heat.

When he eventually saw a doctor, he quickly got the cure for leprosy. The dedicated staff at Muzaffarpur didn’t just attend to his physical wounds. Treated with such compassion, Abdul’s emotional scars began to heal too.

Now living in a leprosy community near Muzaffarpur, Abdul has made a new home among friends. He’s found a place where he feels he belongs.

The effects of leprosy have never quite gone away. Abdul still gets wounds on his foot, so walking is still hard. But he knows that he can get care at Muzaffarpur whenever he needs it. When others have rejected him, the doctors and nurses at the hospital will always be there. 

“I will never forget them for the care they have given me throughout my life,” he says with a smile.

From Muzaffarpur hospital, the love of Jesus shines out for miles around. People affected by leprosy are not the last and the least here. They are seen, welcomed, and accepted. The medical care they so urgently need is given freely.

The tireless staff at Muzaffarpur see up to 600 outpatients each day. Like Abdul, many will have travelled long distances to get treatment. The doctors and nurses never turn anyone away.

But the hospital is old and crumbling. The building regularly floods, and it isn’t fit for purpose. The Outpatient Department must be rebuilt, so people affected by leprosy can continue to get the best possible care.

Without Muzaffarpur, people like Abdul would have nowhere else to go.

The team at Muzaffarpur desperately need a new Outpatient Department.

Together, we can ensure that Muzaffarpur Hospital continues to provide comfort and care to every person affected by leprosy that comes through its doors.

You can restore the Outpatients Department at Muzaffarpur. You can make sure that people affected by leprosy are seen, welcomed and loved.

Your gift of just £36 will provide a tonne of bricks for the restoration, and £188 would supply two tonnes of cement.

Your support isn't just about building materials. It's about rebuilding lives too. It's about giving people affected by leprosy a chance to live without fear, stigma, or pain. Let's create a world where no one has to suffer in silence or isolation because of leprosy.

And there are many more ways you can join the community of supporters bringing people affected by leprosy in Bihar out of the shadows.

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Get your church involved

Find all the resources you need to hold your own Leprosy Sunday.


From baking to walking, you can bring your family and community together to make a difference.

People wait for hours to be seen at Muzzafarpur Hospital

People wait for hours to be seen at Muzzafarpur Hospital

The pharmacy at Muzaffarpur gives out medicine to hundreds of people each day

The pharmacy at Muzaffarpur gives out medicine to hundreds of people each day

Abdul knows he can always get the care he needs from the compassionate staff at Muzaffarpur Hospital.

Abdul knows he can always get the care he needs from the compassionate staff at Muzaffarpur Hospital.

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People wait for hours to be seen at Muzzafarpur Hospital

People wait for hours to be seen at Muzzafarpur Hospital

The pharmacy at Muzaffarpur gives out medicine to hundreds of people each day

The pharmacy at Muzaffarpur gives out medicine to hundreds of people each day

Abdul knows he can always get the care he needs from the compassionate staff at Muzaffarpur Hospital.

Abdul knows he can always get the care he needs from the compassionate staff at Muzaffarpur Hospital.

Registered Charity Number: 1050327
Company Number: 3140347